If you have an older furnace, you may be wondering when it will be time to invest in a replacement. At what point is your furnace too old to meet your heating needs? Furnaces have an average expected lifespan, and once a unit surpasses that lifespan, it becomes increasingly likely that a replacement is on the horizon.
If you’ve been thinking about a furnace replacement in Mount Orab, OH, give our team a call to schedule your appointment. We can check your furnace and give you an idea of how it is aging and whether or not it’s time for a replacement. Then we can review your options with you so you can upgrade to a new model that will best fit your family’s needs. If you’re uncertain about timing, you might also want to explore whether you need to install a new furnace before winter. You can keep reading to learn more about some of the signs that your furnace is getting up an age and needs to be replaced.