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The Best Reasons for You to Go Solar This Year

If you’ve been thinking about solar and putting off the investment, this year is a great time to go ahead and take the leap. Solar is becoming more and more available to homeowners as the installation becomes more affordable. You also have to consider that there are a variety of financing and rebate options to help make the investment that much more worthwhile.

You can keep reading to learn more about solar benefits in Hillsboro and why now is a great time to invest in solar power for your home. Then, give our team a call to schedule your in-home assessment where we can talk to you about how solar would be set up at your home and how it would work.

Energy Savings

One of the top reasons to invest in solar is for the energy savings. Yes, solar is a large upfront investment and there’s no way around that. But it is also a long-term investment that can pay for itself quickly as the years go on. You can nearly eliminate your existing energy bills and worry less about energy costs creeping up over time. 

Instead of setting your thermostat a little lower in the winter and higher in the summer in an attempt to save on your monthly energy costs, you will have a little more leeway. You won’t have to think as much about the potential for your energy bills to skyrocket because you set the thermostat a degree or two higher or lower.

Maintain Energy Supply

Solar also has the added benefit of helping you to maintain a consistent power supply. If a major storm comes through that would otherwise cause a power outage, your backup solar energy can kick in to keep everything in your home up and running. Instead of losing out on power and being stuck in the cold and dark, everything in your home will keep operating as normal without any interruptions.

Environmental Benefits

Investing in solar is also better for the environment. Electricity produces air pollutants like greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment. When you switch to solar you are reducing your negative impact on the environment. 

The more people who switch to solar, the less electricity will be produced by more traditional methods, thus lessening our overall impact on the environment. It may not seem like you can do much as one single person or one household, but your smart choices can add up quickly.

Shafer Heating & Cooling, LLC: You are just one call away from the comfort and savings you deserve! Schedule an appointment today for a solar panel consultation.

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