If you skipped out on heater maintenance in 2023, it may be nagging at your conscience. Is it too late to schedule heater maintenance now? The short answer is no–it’s not too late. Heating maintenance is always a good idea, and it is better to schedule the service late rather than skip out on it completely.
Just give us a call to schedule heating maintenance in Hillsboro. Our team can assess your heater and offer any maintenance and repair suggestions. Even small tweaks can make a huge difference in how your heater operates. You can also keep reading to learn more about why heating maintenance is a good idea to schedule, even now that winter is in full swing. Find out how maintenance can help prevent uneven heating in your home and keep your system efficient.
Risks of Skipping Out on Maintenance
You may be tempted to skip out on heater maintenance completely if you have not already scheduled the service. After all, is it really that big of a deal if you skip one single service appointment over the entire life of your heater? Even if your heater is operating just fine right now, there’s always a chance that something quiet is going wrong inside the system that will cause problems in the near future.
Without maintenance, you may never know about these problems until it is too late. Then you’ll be calling our team anyway, but it will be because of a complete heater breakdown. And even if nothing that serious goes wrong, you still run the risk of adding wear and tear to your heater that cannot be reversed in the coming years. Explore when repairing your heater might no longer be worth it and how maintenance can help extend its life.
Professional Maintenance Steps
Our team has a lot of tasks to check off when we visit your home for professional maintenance. First, we will talk to you about how your heater has been operating and whether or not you have any concerns that need to be addressed. Then our first stop is the thermostat.
After all, your thermostat is what communicates with your heater to turn it on and off, as well as setting temperatures. If your thermostat is miscalibrated or the batteries are low, it can greatly impact your heater’s operating potential. In some cases, older thermostats need to be completely replaced, and we can help with that too.
After that, we began methodically checking all of the components inside your heater. We will review all of the electrical connections and tighten them if necessary. After all, changes in temperature can make the wires expand and contract, eventually loosening them. This can lead to electrical shorts and even potential fire hazards.
We will also review all of the system controls and safety switches to make sure that they are operating the way they are supposed to. If we think that you have safety switches triggering, we can fix the related components to make sure your heater is completely safe to operate.
Even with the best air filter and cleaning routine, dust and dirt can make their way into your heater. These tiny particles can get in between moving parts like gears and dry up the lubrication. Instead of working together smoothly, the gears inside of your heater can begin to grind. We can clean in between all of these moving components and re-lubricate them so you once again have smooth operation.
If any of the components inside of your heater are worn down enough that we think they need to be replaced, we will talk to you about your options. It’s always better to replace components earlier rather than waiting until they break or stop working completely. You can completely prevent a heater breakdown simply by making minor repairs all along during the life of your heater. Learn how proactive repairs can avoid costly breakdowns and keep your system running smoothly.
Shafer Heating & Cooling, LLC: You are just one call away from the comfort and savings you deserve!