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Should I Schedule an End of Season AC Tune-Up?

If you already scheduled maintenance for your air conditioner this year, you may be thinking that a tune-up at the end of the season is overkill. Do you really need to schedule service again? It really depends on how your air conditioner has been operating the season.

If you’ve noticed problems with AC operation, it’s probably a good idea to go ahead and schedule a tune-up just to be safe. You can keep reading to learn more about why you might want to schedule an AC tune-up before we enter the fall and winter seasons. Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule an appointment for AC repair in Wilmington, OH.

Signs of AC Problems

If your air conditioner is operating unusually, that probably means you need to schedule a tune-up. It’s easy to think that if you already scheduled maintenance this year, your air conditioner will be fine. This is true if your air conditioner is operating normally. But it’s possible that cycles are suddenly longer or shorter, or you begin to hear loud noises and smell bad odors coming from your air conditioner. 

Then it’s a good idea to go ahead and schedule service again. Other signs of problems include airflow that is weak or airflow that isn’t as cool as it usually is. You may also notice that your air conditioner is struggling to start up for cooling cycles by clicking or humming persistently before turning on.

Maintenance Considerations

Of course, before you give our team a call you can complete a few maintenance steps of your own and see if they help. First, you can check the air filter to see if it is dirty. If so, change it out for a new filter and see if you notice an improvement. You can also pour some vinegar into the condensate drain line in case a clog is causing moisture to back up and re-evaporate into the air, ultimately increasing humidity levels. 

If you hear humming coming from your outdoor unit, you can also take a look at it to see if you notice anything unusual. If it looks particularly dirty, rinse it off with your water hose set to a general pressure. You can also remove any debris or use a butter knife to straighten out bent fins. If none of these steps help, it’s time to call for a professional tune-up.

Benefits of a Tune-Up

When you take care of air conditioning problems now, you can have peace of mind over the fall and winter seasons that your air conditioner is working well. Otherwise, the potential for problems may nag at the back of your mind until next spring when you need to turn your air conditioner on again. Plus, you run the risk of forgetting to schedule service early next year and finding out that your air conditioner is off completely because of a malfunction.

Shafer Heating & Cooling, LLC: You are just one call away from the comfort and savings you deserve! Schedule an appointment today for your AC tune-up appointment.

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